Please specify payment is for a classified ad on your check. The Lyon & Healy Concert Grand Base Covers are made of the same ultra resilient, water-resistant nylon as their transport cover for an added layer of protection. Some harps use a different size base from the body and column cover. We Stock Padded Covers for Salvi, Lyon & Healy Harps. This tranpsort set fits most Concert Grand Lyon & Healy Pedal Harps. We are currently in the process of adding our padded cover range to our online shop.

Nlyon outer shell protects your harp from rain with 1/2' inner padding that protects you harp from every day dings and dents while moving your instrument. The cover slides over the whole harp and is secured with both a zipper and Velcro closures. Three Piece Padded Cover Set includes a Body Cover, Column Cover, and Base Cover. This ultra resilient, water-resistant nylon cover helps to protect against rain, sun and scrapes.
Please make your check payable to: Silicon Valley Chapter AHS Lyon & Healy's signature royal blue full cover provides you with protection for your Lyon & Healy petite pedal harp during transport. You may purchase additional ads for $15 each. Your listing(s) will appear on both our website and in our subsequent newsletters for up to one year. Transport covers typically come in three-piece sets: a base cover, a column cover, and the big mitten-shaped harp cover. You may choose to list one item, or combine more than one item into a total of 100 words or less for your $15 ad. If you wish to only add your listing at this time, a fee of $15 for up to 12 months coverage is required.
Please visit our Membership Page to download the form. Engraved Lyon & Healy Makers Chicago USA No 3470, height 70 1/8 in (178.2 cm) with cover and original Lyon and Healy shipping case (4) Sale room notice. If you would like to list your ad, but are currently not a member, you are welcome to join our chapter at the $15 Regular Member rate for multiple listings for the year. A FORTY-SIX STRING, DOUBLE ACTION HARP, STYLE 15, CHICAGO, 1931.
To List Your Classified Ad(s): Listings on our website and in our newsletters are provided free of charge to our chapter members.